Sunday, 19 August 2018

Webb Random Legacy 2.2: Torgny and Pools

Gotta learn things! Robert is working on getting his charisma up to make his social outings that much easier to do, plus all the private readings he wants to do. Hey, gotta have the silver tongue to get further in life. Plus, if his charisma gets high enough maybe he'll have better luck in his love life...

Greetings small mammal. You are curious.

Leisure day comes soon enough, and the entire household goes out on an adventure to the old Van Gould mansion - pool party yay! Getting a bit crowded in the pool even before everyone else jumps in.

I have a feeling that Robert is going to win this one, considering he's Athletic and has been getting his athletics up.

"Heyyyy you're like my step sister or something right? You hear the one about a raven and a writing desk?"

Seems people don't like the robot.

"Just gotta exercise."
Exercise caution when speaking with humans?
"Nah, exercise. Get your muscles strong."
I do not have muscles.

But hey, look who turned up to the party! Era's doing well, she's taken up business as a career and Jimmy's been promoted! They're currently trying for kids and hopeful for a big family.

Cats will be cats. But Arachne has other thoughts.
"Yo Robert, we could do with a swimming pool."

"Sure mum, sounds like a plan."

"Damnit, with them cutting into my robot shop fund I've gotta step up my game."

Gotta keep the old gen happy though. When they're not woohooing they're watching TV.

Or the stars.

And by stars I mean fence. It seems that Ayden is deeply in love still, because he keeps getting wishes to turn Arachne into a vampire. Sorry Ayden, she's very happy being the most powerful of witches (she hit max level magic recently. Go Arachne!)

Gotta step up your game Robert.

Torgny's doing well though. He's spending his time resting in his special recharging station.


Getting tuneups...

And working. Hey, it's Emelie again, chatting with another vampire whose witch girlfriend died. Fascinating.

Dawn's experiments with the future bed is not going well though. She woke up from a dream about strangers "hating a person she never met".

Wild Horse, how dare you say such things to Dawn in her dream. How dare.

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