"You're a kid, do what you want. Chase your dreams. Be who you want to be."
"That's nice, darling. Why don't you go out and play."
All witches ride broomsticks. All pink dinosaurs are witches. Therefore, pink dinosaurs ride broomsticks.
And apparently read books.
"Muuuum... I broke the sink while doing the dishes."
"That's fine, I'll sort it out tomorrow. It's not like you broke everything."
"Muuuum, the toilets clogged and I broke the bath."
Ilia confirmed the house was full of ghosts.
After a quick move, she decided to say hi to the new neighbours.
New neighbours are alright, it seems.
Kid, why are you doing your homework in the vault of antiquity underground? Guess he likes the ambience.
The new house, for reference. Much closer to both the office and the Van Gould house, which is handy.
The cursed house was just the final straw for Arachne. She gets a bit angry and uses magic to build herself a new and more witchy outfit. She was going to be the best darned witch in Moonlight Falls and win Ayden from the other hag once and for all...
Magic being thrown willy nilly like that does cause strange effects...
And said strange effects could only be seen by Robert... And seems to take the name of Jimmy.
Leading him to get blamed for certain breakages.
So he spends more time away from home for a bit. Let his mum calm down a bit. Hey, school's kinda fun.
And the fairies are very happy to play with him. He's a tad confused as to why they're not witches like him. They in turn are confused as to how he doesn't realise that not everyone is a witch.
"Go talk to your dad, he's not a witch."
"You mean I'm not a witch?"
"You're a witch, you just have some vampire in you as well."
So at the next party, while Arachne is distracted by Ayden's son whining about water...
"So you're not a witch?"
"No, that's Arachne."
"Actually, mum's been a bit weird recently. Is everything okay...?"
"I'm as surprised as you are, son. She could have just talked to me, I didn't realise she was so upset. I'll talk to her at work, don't worry."
"Can we just, hang out for a bit Dad?"
"Sure. Let me teach you the art of Chess. It's a gentleman's sport, and no son of mine will grow up without learning its intricacies!"
Arachne seems very happy about this turn of events. Father and son bonding? Lovely!
Plus side of all her brooding is her magic is becoming very strong. Marvel at how she transforms an apple into a priceless jewel!
Ilia is unimpressed.
What is impressive is a promotion to CEO of the Business. Lifetime wish, boom!
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