Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Webb Random Legacy 1.6: Vampires and Parties

Probably worth an update on the status of the household and the rules:
Generation 1: Mixed Single Parent, 3 Children, Business, Living Green, Random Traits
Generation 2: Single Parent with Double Help, 5 Children, Fortune Teller (Genuine), Bot Builder, Part-Time Job, Social Bunny, Runs in the Family

Household: Arachne Webb, Robert Webb, Era Webb, Dawn Webb, Ilia Webb

Arachne Webb
Lifestate: Young Adult Witch
Traits: Loner, Brooding, Brave, Clumsy, Neat

Ilia Webb
Lifestate: Adult Cat
Traits: Genius, Quiet, Hunter, Hyper, Non-Destructive, Neat, Adventurous

Robert Webb
Lifestate: Teen Witch
Traits: Perceptive, Athletic, Good, Neat

Era Webb
Lifestate: Child Human
Traits: Good Sense of Humour, Couch Potato, Perfectionist

Dawn Webb
Lifestate: Child Human
Traits: Lucky, Neat, Vehicle Enthusiast

Robert begins work on the things that the Vault told him about. Studying the art of Alchemy at the Elixir Store, because Arachne will not buy furniture for him at home. Speaking of home...

Here's how it currently looks. Wasn't happy with this, but it gives space for all sorts of stuff... which we can't do much of because of Eco Friendly. Really getting annoyed at this limitation, not going to lie.

At least using flooring and wallpaper is not forbidden, so we can make Arachne's bedroom look nice for her.

With school constantly being out (they've been to school once) the girls are very quickly best friends and having fun telling ghost stories and looking concerned.

Arachne is enjoying brooding while staring through a frosted window.

And when not studying alchemy, Robert is working on the garden. He managed to find some alchemy ingredients to grow alongside the food is mum grows.

"Please rain so my kids go to school again. They're driving me crazy."


Wish granted.

"Robert, look I'm doing sparkles too!"

Robert continues to make sparkles deep into the night. He's using elixirs to stay awake so he can work on his witch powers in the hopes of granting some to his sisters...

But don't worry reader, Dawn's got you covered for wacky fourth wall hijinks!

Otherwise things are very domestic and calm in the household. Brushies, Frisbee...

The one day they do go to school, Dawn wins an award for her painting!

"Will this rock help us do this homework?"

Era has her birthday and becomes Avant Garde.

It seems Robert is too busy thinking about alchemy and magic to eat at the table with everyone else.

"Robert what are you doing?"
"I just gotta see if this works, don't move!"

Era takes up street art, after borrowing her mum's street art kit that Arachne gained from dumpster diving a whole lot.

The day after Era became a teen, Dawn becomes a teen. She gains the trait Handy.

She's unsure what she wants to do in life though. She tries painting at the consignment store, but it doesn't feel right for her. What does she want to do in the future?

Go to an epic Vampire party, that's what!

Ayden Van Gould is a bit alarmed by Era. Avant Garde teens, a terrifying prospect!

Robert has a nice long conversation about throwing potions at his dad and they become best friends.

"I should spice this party up for Ayden! That lady keeps laughing at him, I'll teach her!"

Oldie but a goodie. Witches and turning people into frogs, always a laugh.

 Family Portrait. Sorta. The vampire in the back isn't part of the family, but everyone else is. Lady to the right is Ayden's daughter, Emelie.

Arachne and Ayden spend the night together after everyone from the party went home.

Awww and they got engaged!! Hopefully the next few days until Dawn becomes mid way through her teen years pass quick, because it's killing me to not have these two living together. They love each other so much! 

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